Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Evaluation Ubeda – students

The students evaluated their visit to Spain using a questionnaire. After visiting Ubeda, the Polish team counted the students answers to the questionnaire. The results are below:

Students who were in Ubeda answer the questionnaire about the visit.
Thirty five students filled the questionnaire. Large majority of the students have had opportunity of speaking English with other people, 77,15% claim that it was enough for them and some of them 25,71 % (9 students) claim they have had the opportunity but not too much None of the students were too ashamed to speak with other people or haven’t had opportunity of speaking English.
Students have found out a lot of information. They have learnt about the culture (77,15%), they have tasted the traditional dishes (74,3%). Large majority of the students have learnt new words in Spanish language (80%!!!) it is more students than in any other visit !!!. Students learnt about history (34,3%) and monuments (48,5%). Less than a half (40%) have found out the tradition of other countries. Few students have found out about the educational system (22,8%) and famous people (11,4%).
Like always the most important thing for the students during mobility was to make friends with other teenagers (91,4%!!!), for a half of them the most important thing was to get to know new country (51,4%) and for one third 34,3% it was important to taste new dishes.
Large majority of the students (80%) found the stay in Ubeda as a very satisfying experience. Staying in Ubeda was stressful at the beginning for 20% of students. It was probably because the stayed at the host families for the first time. Only one student did not like staying in Ubeda but he/she was glad she/he could come.
Most of the students are going to keep in touch with their new friends (85,7%), Only 11,42% are not sure about it. Any student is not interested in keeping in touch with new friends. One of them aren’t sure and said “maybe”
The students like both sightseeing Ubeda more than team – work 54,3% and 71,43%, three students answered that it was something else but they didn’t explain.
Large majority of the students think that they have improved their English (74,3 %), because they :
  • talked to other people
  • Spoke a lot
  • Talked to other teenagers from the project
  • Had the chance to speak English to other people
  • Used English in practice
  • Talked a lot
  • Learnt thousand of different accents
  • Spoke English all the time with friends
Some of the students 20% think they didn’t improve their English because they:

  • Can speak English
  • Didn’t learn new words
  • Use a lot English at school

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